Full length publications
van Dun P.L.S., Dobbelaere E., Osteopathie in Belgien, Osteopathische Medizin, 2012, 1: 4
van Dun P.L.S., Wagner C., Die Identität der Osteopathie in Europa, Osteopathische Medizin, 2012, 4: 22-26
Dahlke J., van Dun P.L.S., Woisetschläger G., Groth J. The effectiveness of osteopathy on the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome:
a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, 9th International Conference on Advances in Osteopathic Medicine (ICAOR), 2012, September 14-16, London (UK)
Osteopathic Project
van Dun P.L.S., Kouwenberg T. (red.), The Scope of Osteopathic Practice in Europe, 2012, Brussels, European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO) & Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE)