Full length publication

van Dun P, Wagner C. Richtige Kommunikation in unserem Beruf : ein internationales Anliegen. DO – Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 2020; 18: 40–43


Full length publications

van Dun P.L.S., Wagner C. L’identité de l’ostéopathie en Europe : “finding the pony” La Revue de l’Ostéopathie, 2014; accepted 


Osteopathic Projects

van Dun P.L.S., de Keyser-Hoogenkamp M., Silversmit G., De Beuf K., Goetghebeur E., Status van de Osteopathie in de Benelux: Osteosurvey 2013, Antwerpen, Commission for Osteopathic Research, Practice and Promotion vzw (CORPP vzw) en Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Osteopathie (SWOO) (in progress) 


Full length publications 

van Dun P.L.S., Dobbelaere E., Osteopathie in Belgien, Osteopathische Medizin, 2012, 1: 4 

van Dun P.L.S., Wagner C., Die Identität der Osteopathie in Europa, Osteopathische Medizin, 2012, 4: 22-26  


Dahlke J., van Dun P.L.S., Woisetschläger G., Groth J. The effectiveness of osteopathy on the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome:
a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, 9th International Conference on Advances in Osteopathic Medicine (ICAOR), 2012, September 14-16, London (UK)

Osteopathic Project

van Dun P.L.S., Kouwenberg T. (red.), The Scope of Osteopathic Practice in Europe, 2012, Brussels, European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO) & Forum for Osteopathic Regulation in Europe (FORE) 


Full length publications

van Dun P.L.S, Hoeveel "body of evidence" zit er in een vleugje politieke wil? Editorial, About Osteopathy, 2011, 3: 2-6 

van Dun P.L.S, Hoeveel "body of evidence" zit er in een vleugje politieke wil? De Osteopaat, 2011, 3: 21-24


Wagner C., van Dun P.L.S. (2011). Exploring European osteopathic identity: an analysis of the professional websites of European osteopathic organizations, oral presentation, Sixth International Symposium on Advances in Osteopathic Research, Potsdam, Germany, 2011, October 1. 


Full length publication

van Dun P.L.S. (2010) De wereld is aan de osteopaten en Icarus was een osteopaat …, About osteopathy, 5: 17-21 


Wagner C, van Dun P.L.S, (2010). Exploring European osteopathic identity: an analysis of the professional websites of European osteopathic organizations, poster presentation, 8th International Conference on Advances in Osteopathic Medicine (ICAOR), May 28-30, International College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM), Milan (Italy)

Published abstract

Wagner C, van Dun P.L.S, Exploring an European osteopathic identity: analysis of professional profiles of European osteopathic organizations, Poster Presentation Abstract, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 2010, 13: 129

Osteopathic Project

van Dun P.L.S, Beroepscompetentieprofiel Osteopathie, 2010, Brussel: Groepering Nationaal en Representatief van de Professionele Osteopaten vzw (GNRPO vzw) 
